Iodine Salt
Deficiency In Iodine Salt Has major Impact On Growth
There is another kind of salt: Iodine Salt. I found out about it from my pharmacist a couple of years back. I was briefed on the uses to prevent thyroid and since I have been using it sparingly in our food preparation. It looks like the normal granulated white salt but the properties are different. Check here....
There seems to be a great deal of problem with those who are lack from it. The population from North West China who had suffered from goitre and growth deficiency were the most obvious. The report says: "The main source of water in land-locked Xinjiang is glaciers. With very low iodine content in the soil and water, the region, especially southern Xinjiang, used to be plagued by the "big-necked disease" or cretin, caused by iodine deficiency disorder (IDD).
Of a population of 19 million in the 1980s, 1.28 million suffered goiter, with an accumulative 12,000 victims of cretin, most in the Tarim Basin, according to Wang Shaohua, deputy director of the regional health bureau." Continue here....
More to it is the miracle it could bring to Chernobyl victims. "Iodized salt could have significantly lowered the numbers of exposed children who developed thyroid cancer" Keep reading here....
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